Positive psychology

42 per cent of workers believe that in their workplace stress is regarded as a sign of weakness or that you can’t cope

Mind, We’ve got work to do


TxOH provide a specialist positive psychology service. Our psychologists can work one to one with specific individuals within your organisation who may suffer from stress or underperformance within the workplace. Our psychologists can assess an individual's wellbeing at work and help them to manage work-life balance, resilience and communication and relationships within their organisation. The psychologists at TxOH are personable and consider individual needs when designing and implementing positive psychology interventions.

How we offer services:

TxOH provide positive psychology services for reduced stress on a contract basis or as required.

Contract appointments can be beneficial as it provides time for stress prevention, management and rehabilitation.

As required appointments can be beneficial in reduced stress when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.


TxOH positive psychology service provides organisations with many benefits including;

Organisations who use our services can expect the following:

Organisations that commission our psychology service can expect the following results:

Reduced stress and anxiety.

Reduced absenteeism.

Reduced stigma and discrimination against mental health.

Increase productivity.

Increased culture of inclusion.

Increased early return to work.

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Our clients' feedback

We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.