Mental health assessments

How we offer services:

TxOH provide mental health assessment services to reduce stress on a contract basis or as required

Contract appointments can be beneficial as it provides time for stress prevention, management and rehabilitation.

As required appointments can be beneficial in reduced stress when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.


TxOH mental health assessment service provides organisations with many benefits including;

Organisations who use our services can expect the following:

Organisations that commission our mental health assessment service can expect the following results:

Reduced stress and anxiety.

Reduced stigma and discrimination against mental health.

Reduced absenteeism.

Increase productivity.

Increased culture of inclusion.

Increased early return to work.

Case Study

Occupational health support for staff

1. The description

A radio presenter from a popular radio station within Liverpool and Manchester was accused of being involved in indecent behaviour with minors. Multiple staff at the radio station were shocked and distraught when they were informed. The HR department at the radio station requested the support from a occupational health service to provide psychological input for the members of staff in distress.

2. The intervention

The occupational health service provided a HCPC registered psychologist to attend the radio station headquarters to perform a mental health assessment on the affected members of staff. The results from the mental health assessment was used to highlight the need for further psychological input in the form of group based discussions and education on stress management.

3. The results

The staff from the radio station received high quality psychological therapy input which helped to overcome the distress following the accusations regarding their co-worker. All staff members took part in group based discussions and recieved education on methods of stress reduction.

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We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.