
In 2009/10 an estimated 94,000 people in Great Britain who had worked in the last 12 months suffered from an lower limb disorder caused or made worse by their work. It is estimated that these workers took an average of 25 days off work

HSE, musculoskeletal disorders


TxOH targeted podiatry service can focus on groups of individuals within your organisation. Our podiatry service aims to improve the knowledge about foot health through a range of services such as educational lectures and workshops. Our therapists have experience evaluating the risk or potential foot pathologies within a variety of environments. The podiatrists use their expertise to advise policies such as regular screening or the development of action plans during the occurrence of foot pathologies to reduce absenteeism within your organisation.


TxOH specialist podiatry service can address individuals within the workplace. Our podiatrists can perform one to one assessment and treatment techniques onsite. To aid absenteeism reduction our podiatrists can provide personalised return to work programme to ensure a safe and effective return to work. Our podiatrists can also provide reports and recommendations regarding an individual's ability to perform workplace activities.

How we offer services:

TxOH provide podiatry services to reduce absenteeism on a contract basis or as required.

Contract appointments can be beneficial in reducing absenteeism as it provides time for the prevention, management and rehabilitation of foot pathologies.

As required appointments can be beneficial in reducing absenteeism when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.


TxOH podiatry service provides organisations with many benefits including;

Organisations who use our services can expect the following:

Organisations that commission our podiatry services can expect the following results:

Reduced time off from musculoskeletal, skin or nail conditions.

Recurrence of foot pathologies.

Reduced absenteeism.

Less absence occur due to preventative work.

Employee happiness.

Increase productivity.

Early return to work.

Case Study

Nursing home podiatry

1. The description

A nursing home within Manchester and Liverpool is home to many elderly patients some with physical and cognitive disabilities. The patients were unable to care for their own feet and toenails sufficiently due to limitations such as mobility. As a result the care staff noticed a number of individuals within the nursing home suffered from skin and nail conditions including ingrown toenails and fungal infections. The nursing home contacted an occupational health service to find a solution.

2. The intervention

An occupational health service assessed the situation and advised the nursing home upon a regular podiatry service. Podiatrists attended the nursing home once monthly to provide treatment to the lower limb and foot. In addition to the one to one podiatry treatments the podiatrists offered advice and support about looking after feet and support on appropriate footwear.

3. The results

Shortly following the initiation of the intervention the individuals within the care home were more knowledgeable on how to best care for their feet and the appropriate footwear they should be wearing. The staff within the nursing home reported a dramatic drop in the number of foot infections and skin conditions.

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We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.