
An ACPOHE Occupational Physiotherapist typically can produce a return on investment for an organisation of £3 for every £1 spent



TxOH physiotherapy service can also be used to target a group of people who have been identified with a current problem or risk of injury. TxOH provide a data analysis to identify common trends of absenteeism within your workplace to suggest effective physiotherapy interventions or referrals onto other appropriate occupational health services. Our physiotherapists work within your organisation to increase the knowledge surrounding physical health and wellbeing and reduce the occurrence and recurrence of injury.


TxOH specialist physiotherapy service can address individuals with musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiac or respiratory problems. Ongoing physical disorders can have a significant impact on workplace productivity and overall mental health. Our physiotherapists can provide individual assessments, treatments and reassessments to assist individuals back to their full responsibilities at work. Our physiotherapists can also provide reports and recommendations regarding the individual's capacity to complete occupational related activities by completing job task and musculoskeletal assessments.

How we offer services

TxOH provide physiotherapy services to reduce absenteeism on a contract basis or as required. Contract appointments can be beneficial in reducing absenteeism as it provides time for the prevention, management and rehabilitation following injuries or illnesses. As required appointments can be beneficial in reducing absenteeism when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.


TxOH physiotherapy service provides organisations with many benefits including;

Organisations who use our services can expect the following:

Organisations that commission our physiotherapy services can expect the following results:

Reduced time off from musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiac or respiratory disorders.

Reduced absenteeism.

Less absence occur due to preventative work.

Increased employee happiness.

Increase productivity.

Early return to work.

Case Study

Lower back pain and sick pay

1. The description

An operator at a grocery products company in Manchester and Liverpool reported lower back pain. The individual’s GP advised postural exercises and restricted his workplace duties. The following week the individual went off sick for a total of six months and had rehabilitation for the further two months which cost the company eight months salary.

2. The intervention

Following a consultation with a occupational health service provider it was agreed onsite physiotherapy would aid a reduction in absenteeism. Additionally the occupational health service established an effective referral protocol from the company's own occupational health unit to the new onsite physiotherapy clinic. The physiotherapists provided one to one assessment and treatment programmes in addition to manual handling training and ergonomic support.

3. The results

Six months following the introduction of onsite physiotherapy the same individual complained of lower back pain and went off sick. He was referred to the onsite physiotherapy service and returned to work within one month followed by a rehabilitation period of 2 weeks. The salary cost of this time off to the company was only 6 weeks. The comparison between the two sick periods taken by this employee shows the onsite physiotherapy service reduced the cost of absenteeism by over 80% and provided him with rapid, specialist treatment.

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We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.