Occupational health nursing

An estimated 1.3 million people who worked in 2015/16 were suffering from an illness they believed was caused or made worse by work.

HSE, work related ill health and occupational disease.

How we offer services

TxOH provides occupational health nursing services to reduce absenteeism on a contract basis or as required.

Contract appointments can be beneficial in reducing absenteeism as it provides time for the promotion and management of workforce health and wellbeing.

As required appointments can be beneficial in reducing absenteeism when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.


TxOH's occupational health nursing service provides organisations with many benefits including;

Organisations who use our services can expect the following

Organisations that commission our occupational health nursing services can expect the following results.

Reduce absenteeism

Reduced injury or illness reccurence

Less absence occur due to preventative work

Increased employee happiness

Increased employee health

Increase productivity

Early return to work

Case Study

Improving absenteeism in a Recruitment company in Manchester

1. Description

A national recruitment company with office based in Manchester reported a gradual increase in absenteeism. Concerned about the rising levels of absenteeism they employed a occupational health nurse to review and improve absenteeism within their company.

2. The intervention

An occupational health nurses completed an absenteeism audit to highlight common causes or trends of absenteeism specific to their organisation. The audit revealed the main cause of absenteeism was low back pain. The occupational health nurse organised talks and workshops surrounding the topic of lower back care to improve the knowledge and understanding of lower back pain and its management. Additionally the occupational health nurses referred appropriate individuals within the company for a workstation assessment to improve working ergonomics and reduce the risk of injury.

3. The results

Within three months the level of absenteeism caused by lower back pain had significantly reduced and the staff within the recruitment company reported feeling valued. Those who received a workstation assessment reported feeling more productive at work due to eases in discomfort and strain.

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Our clients' feedback

We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.