Return to work

For musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), altering a task, equipment or the workload an individual faces can significantly reduce the risk of MSDs recurring

HSE, MSD return to work

How we offer services:

TxOH provide return to work services to increase productivity on a contract basis or as required.

Contract appointments can be beneficial in increasing productivity especially when reintroducing multiple individuals back into work.

As required appointments can be beneficial in increasing productivity when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.


TxOH return to work service provides organisations with many benefits including;

Organisations who use our services can expect the following:

Organisations that commission our return to work services can expect the following results:

Less absence occur due to preventative work.

Reduced risk of injury.

Reduced risk of poor mental health.

Reduced absenteeism.

Increase productivity.

Increased early return to work

Increased employee happiness.

Increased employee physical and mental health.

Case Study

Return to work

1. Description

A motor manufacturing company employs around 22,000 staff in aerospace, defence, marine and energy divisions. Staff sickness absence levels varied from around 3%–9% and is associated with a lengthy return to work process. The motor manufacturing company requested the assistance of a occupation health service to improve their return to work procedure.

2. The intervention

The occupation health service reviewed the current return to work procedure which seemed to have minimal support. The occupational health service worked with the motor manufacturing company to devise a new return to work procedure which included a gradual return to work procedure tailored to the individual's reason for absence in addition to physiotherapy input, job task analysis and functional capacity evaluations.

3. The results

Over the course of 2 years the improved return to work procedure reduced staff absenteeism from an average of 2.9% to 2.4 % which saved an average of £11m. The average number of days lost per employee per year has fallen to 4.2 (CBI estimates national average is 6.8).The employees report feeling supported and felt their managers were positively interested in their return to work.

Case Study

Return to work

1. Description

A security guard aims to return to work at a department store following a period of absence. The security guard suffered physical injuries and psychological distress during a robbery event where a shoplifter attacked the security guard. The security guard recovered from his physical injuries and requested to return to work.

2. The intervention

The HR manager at the department store requested the assistance of an occupational health service to aid the security guards return to work. Upon an initial consultation the occupational health service organised workplace readiness assessment which found the security guard had unresolved stress and anxiety. The psychologists at the occupational health service then formulated a specific return to work programme to target the needs of the security guard. The return to work programme involved a range of interventions including counselling and stress management strategies.

3. The results

Following the completion of the graduated return to work programme the security guard returned to full responsibilities within one month. The security guard reports an increased resilience to stress and anxiety following the input from the interventions.

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Preventative work

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We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.