Targeted preventative work is extremely successful and beneficial because the action plan is specifically targeted to a group of individuals who may be linked through occupational demands or job role. Our personable therapists are able to assess groups of individuals working within their natural environment and evaluate levels of productivity and possible risks to their physical and mental health and wellbeing. Once risk factors are established our therapists can provide advice and guidance using positive psychology on how to maintain good mental health and wellbeing and promote productivity within the workplace through alterations in equipment, operations, activities and workplace policies.
TxOH provide a specialist preventative work service where our adaptable and experienced therapists work one to one with an employee to assess their natural working positions and procedures. Specialist preventative work involves highlighting the individual's risk of physical injury or poor mental health and wellbeing. TxOH preventative work service can also be used following a period of absence to prevent injury or illness reoccuring. Our therapists have experience producing individualised programmes incorporating positive psychology to promote physical and psychological health and wellbeing . Specialist preventative work may include alterations in working conditions, occupational demands and working procedures or the initiation of positive psychology, counselling or other stress reduction services.
TxOH provide preventative work to increase productivity on a contract basis or as required.
Contract appointments can be beneficial in increasing productivity as it allows time for reassessments and monitoring of productivity levels.
As required appointments can be beneficial in increasing productivity when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.
TxOH preventative work service provides organisations with many benefits including;
Organisations that commission our preventative work services can expect the following results:
A senior partner at a law firm previously experienced a panic attack at work leading to two months absenteeism. The individual reported feeling ready to return to work but was unsure if returning to the workplace would trigger distress or even another panic attack. The law firm contacted an occupational health service for advice on how to prevent any further panic attacks and to manage the specific phobia related to the employee’s work.
Following a consultation with a occupational health service the introduction of a range of preventative measures were agreed upon. The preventative measures introduced for the employee included workplace readiness assessments followed by a graduated return to work programme and alterations in working procedures. The individual was also offered onsite psychology services to help manage their anxiety and panic attacks in readiness to face the work environment.
The senior partner from the law firm returned to work five months following his initial panic attack. Following the preventative work intervention the individual reports feeling comfortable and productive at work and has not felt the presence of any previous levels anxiety.
Two colleges within Manchester and Liverpool were organised to merge to create a more efficient education system. Due to the merge there was to be multiple redundancies made and significant changes to working procedures. Concerned for how much the changes will affect the staffs mental health and wellbeing the HR department contacted a occupational health service for advice.
Following a consultation and an onsite evaluation of the previous and new working procedures the therapists at the occupational health service provided recommendations for how the college could prepare and build resilience in staff prior to initiating and while undergoing the merging process. The occupational health services recommendations included mediated discussions, one-one consultations, and town hall meetings.
As the intervention was implemented prior to the merge process taking place the staff reported high physical and mental health and wellbeing prior to the merge. During the merge process some staff reported increases in stress especially those at risk of redundancy, however the level of absenteeism did not rise and productivity remained high.