Risk assessment

Risk management is about taking practical steps to protect people from real harm and suffering

HSE, Sensible risk management

How we offer services:

TxOH provide risk assessment for injury reduction on a contract basis or as required.

Contract appointments can be beneficial in injury reduction as it provides time for injury prevention, management and regular reassessment.

As required appointments can be beneficial in injury reduction when a one off intervention is required for a particular event or piece of work.


TxOH risk assessment service provides organisations with many benefits including;

Organisations who use our services can expect the following:

Organisations that commission our risk assessment services can expect the following results:

Reduced risk of injury.

Reduced absenteeism.

Less absence occur due to preventative work.

Increased early return to work.

Increased employee happiness.

Increase productivity.

Case Study

Risk assessment for events

1. The description

A clothing company requested the assistance of an occupational health service to complete a risk assessment for an upcoming event. The event was aimed to showcase a new line of clothing using a number of models who had a range of physical and cognitive disabilities. The models were required to walk and showcase the clothes down a 100m catwalk surrounded by various electrical equipment. The organisers required assistance to ensure the floor plan, equipment and electricals used would be appropriate and safe for the models.

2. The intervention

A occupational health service consulted with the event organisers and advised the completion of an in depth risk assessment. A multidisciplinary team from a occupational health service visited the event venue during a rehearsal show. The occupational health team assessed each model's ability to perform all aspects of the catwalk show including walking, stair climbing and descending. The occupational health team also investigated the lighting equipment and displays to ensure none provoked distress or disability such as seizures.

3. The results

With the assistance of an occupational health service the clothing company completed a highly successful fashion show with all spectators and models safe and comfortable.

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We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.